cosmetics product image-S2L1

“Convey your heart. friend, 
parent, lover, teacher, me, baby,
 After one year, the letter you wrote 
 will be sent to the recipient. (Free - Worldwide)”

Donations ―Slow Postbox Write a letter―We are accepting donations for postage.

A statement of issuance of donation receipts can be issued

donation deduction
rather than the employee's 'total salary',
Based on the amount of earned income.
[Amount of earned income] is from [Worker's Gross Salary]
Amount minus the amount of deductions for [earned income deduction] (total salary of workers - earned income deduction = earned income amount)

Donations - Slow Postbox Lettering Postage We are accepting donations.
We are sending the letter after a year with our own funds.

A donation receipt can be issued.

1) Donor information (name, social security number, address, etc.)
2) Donation organization (group name, resident number, location, etc...)
3) Donation solicitation (group name, business registration number, location, etc...)
4) Donation content (type, code, year, month, date, etc...)
5) Total donation details

ㅡSubmit an application for donation income deduction to the National Tax Service.

Donation income deduction 15% or 30%
In the case of entrepreneurs, even individual donors are providing tax benefits in a way that can handle corporate donations and expenses.—Important.

Take all the income deductions for books and performances.
Check the income deduction mark when purchasing the product.

Cultural Expenses Income Deduction - Books, Performance Expenses

At the time of year-end settlement of devolved wage and salary income in 2021
Credit cards for book performances in the second half of 2021
added to the amount used

subject to deduction
Among those earning less than 70 million won in annual gross salary
Amount of credit card use
More than 25% of gross salary

Books and performances subject to income deduction
대상 도서 대상 공연
Author, publisher, publication date, publisher, International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Publications sold as recorded publications

Paper books, e-books,
Foreign publications, used books
The book purchase fee includes
Including shipping fee

As an example in performance law
Music, dance, theater, entertainment, traditional music, acrobatics, etc.
In addition to musicals, popular music concerts, operas,
Ballet, magic, madang plays, children's plays, etc. are also performed.

Publications under the Periodicals Act, such as magazines;
Harmful publications, borrowed publications