Jacket -S2L2
Jacket -S2L3
Take all the income deductions for books and performance expenses. When purchasing a product, check the income deduction mark.

Income deduction for cultural expenses-books and performance expenses

In the year-end settlement of earned income attributable in 2021, credit cards, etc. for book performances in the second half of 2021
Add up to the amount used
Deduction target
Among earned income earners with a total annual salary of 70 million won or less, the amount used by credit cards etc.
If it exceeds 25% of the total salary

Books and performances subject to income deduction
Grand Prize Grand Prize Performance
Publications sold as publications containing author, publisher, publication date, publisher, and International Standard Book Number (ISBN)

Paper books, e-books, foreign publications, used books
Book purchase fee includes shipping fee, etc. accompanying book purchase.

Music, dance, theater, entertainment, Korean traditional music, acrobatics, etc. as examples in the performance method
In addition, musicals, popular music concerts, operas, ballets, magic, courtyard plays, children's plays, etc. are also performed.

Publications under the Periodic Publications Act such as magazines, harmful publications, and rental publications

Cloud Atlas
by David Mitchell

Jacket detail image-S1L2

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780375507250
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Publication date: 08/17/2004
Edition description: First U.S. Edition
Pages: 528
Product dimensions: 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.19(d)

The detail image is most similar to the actual product color.
Colors may vary depending on your monitor.

Jacket -S1L4
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